Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Debt management is better than rose bouquet

Do you know there is a negative relation between debt burden and family life? I have witnessed hundreds of divorces due to the unbearable debt burden on one of the partner. If you are one of them, do not blame your partner for taking a hasty decision. Nobody can live a life of dissatisfaction, discontent and full of debts. In your absence, she might have to take the calls from the lenders you owe. And these calls are never sweet.

If you want to make an impression on someone special this Valentine’s Day, as a financial expert, I will recommend to take help of debt management plan instead of roses. You may be astonished by hearing the fact that 73 percent of women say that they would choose financial security over attractiveness when making a decision about committing to a relationship. In addition to this shocking fact, 82 percent of women believe that financial know-how is important in a potential partner.

Debt management plans are nothing but the tailor made plans to cut short your debt burden. The financial consultant after a thorough knowledge of your current financial status advises you the means to downsize the debt burden. On your behalf, he talks with the creditors and negotiates the payable rate of interest. Once the negotiation is over, your entire debt is financed by a debt loan. Hence, you are now left with only one loan. The new loan charges low rate of interest compared to the earlier payment.

Your credit rating witnesses a smooth increase after the debt management plan comes into effect. In order to maintain the tempo, you have to be regular in monthly instalments. During this period, you should avoid shopping through plastic money. This will definitely make you financially healthy.

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