Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Experts warn over multiple credit cards

Experts warn over multiple credit cards
Are credit cards a monster that eats up your money in a big way? Well, it is really so if we go by the statistics put forward by CreditAction - a leading national money charity. The figures show that the average interest rate on credit card lending is 17.67%. It is a whopping 12.4% higher above the base rate level that is fixed by the Bank of England. Little wonder that credit cards are the biggest culprit when it comes to people falling in the debt traps.

People resort to credit cards for the sake of convenience in payment, but it should be kept in mind that over-dependence on these cards can get you in trouble. If you fail to pay the credit card bills within the interest-free period, you are charged very high interest rates. So, be wary of the trap. On an average, a Briton holds 2.4 credit and debit cards that are more than twice the number in any other nation. People hold more than one card for varying reasons. However, the problem arises when you have to keep an eye on the spending and repayments across several cards.

You should be cautious that you do not miss the minimum payments on your credit card bills and get exposed to heavy penalties. Experts warn people against getting used to taking credit through these cards and accumulating their debts.

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